Board Meeting Notes 1/24/2020
Attendance: Theresa, Jyl, Bambi and Dani
- We are no longer doing a written Lease
- We are negotiating on lease price
- Every application on the new website is now numbered- the application is much shorter and more to the point.
- We have a new Website
- Speedmobi is running our website, they are put of Boston
- Theresa will not have her cell phone on her in the evening while she is sleeping, please be aware
- Any communication to anyone of the board or the fosters/volunteers should be via phone call. Texting is NOT ALLOWED.
- As a rescue we work closely with all vet clinics in and around Faribault. The animals are our biggest concern and with that being said, we do what we have to do on behalf on the precious lives that are in our hands.
- PetSmart mentioned our Rescue start rescuing small animals such as hamsters and guinea pigs and bunnies and they would then have them inhouse for adoption because only then they can do so, but they must be through a Rescue. We took this into great consideration, as a board we have voted against adding smaller animals to Rescue at this time for varies reason. If there are more questions concerning this decision, please contact us at 507-323-8280
- There will be 1 board meeting every qtr. (4 Total)
- Jan. 24th
- May 15th
- Aug. 21st
- Nov 13th
- There will be a Qtr. Foster Meeting as well:
- Friday, Feb. 28th @ 6:00PM at the Building
(Note All Foster Meetings after Feb. will be at 6:30PM!)
- Friday, May 29th @ 6:30PM at the Building
- Friday, Aug. 28th @ 6:30PM at the Building
- Friday, Nov. 20th @ 6:30PM at the Building
- Rescue Gives Back- Fundraiser for the Hope Center
10th Annual Tour of Tables
Faribault American Legion
April 26th 12:30pm-2:30pm
- First Fundraiser of the Year!
Online Auction
April 30th @ 7PM until May 3rd ending at 7PM
- June will be the Heritage Days Parade: Details TBD
- Will there be a Yard Sale?
A: We are looking at 2 other options for a 2nd fundraiser for the year.
Options: 1. Calendars 2. Professional Photo of Your Furry Friend
- We will ask for other ideas and opinions on these ideas at the 1st Foster Meeting
- Dad’s Waffles Fundraiser will be Oct. 11th, 2020. More Details to Follow
- Photos w/ Santa Fundraiser will be Nov. 28th and 29th at the Building from Noon-4PM
- PetSmart National Adoption Weekends
- Feb. 28th, 29th and March 1st
- June 5th-7th
- Sept. 18th-20th
- Nov. 6th – 8th
- Meet and Greets will be on the Saturdays above.
- Feb. 29th
- June 6th
- Sept. 19th
- Nov. 7th
- We will be reevaluating our relationship with PetSmart beginning of Fall 2020.